Daily Archives: September 1, 2022

Back-to-School Checklist: #1: Eye Exam for your Child

September means back-to-school, a time when, as a parent, you try to do everything you can to prepare your child for success in the new academic year. New clothes, school supplies, haircuts and new schedules all play their part; but one of the most important learning tools is good vision, an essential factor that is […]

The Depression / Vision Connection — A Double-edged Sword for the Eyes

The problem of depression and its health consequences has always been with us, reportedly even more so due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Depression is an insidious enemy that attacks our physical health and well-being, and our eyes are no exception. Studies suggest that vision problems may both cause and be caused […]

More women than men take this “prize”: Dry Eye!

For Mother’s Day and every day, women beat out men in being more likely to develop the ophthalmic condition known as Dry Eye Syndrome. In fact, dry eye is two to three times more likely to affect women than men, at any age. Sorry, ladies, we know this is not a race you want to […]