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Presbyopic IOLs

What is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia is an eye condition in which your eye slowly loses the ability to focus quickly on objects that are close. This condition is part of the aging process. In fact, the term “presbyopia” comes from a Greek word which means “old eye.” You may start to notice presbyopia shortly after age 40.

AcrySof Toric IOL

What is the AcrySof Toric IOL?

The AcrySof® IQ Toric IOL is a foldable, single-piece lens that is implanted during cataract surgery to replace the clouded lens. The unique design of the AcrySof® Toric IOL makes it possible to reduce or eliminate corneal astigmatism and significantly improve uncorrected distance vision.

Symfony Multifocal IOL

What is Symfony Multifocal IOL?

TECNIS® Symfony Multifocal IOL is the first and only presbyopia-correcting extended range of vision IOL. It delivers a continuous full range of high quality vision with reduced incidence of halos and glare. This lens allows viewing of objects afar, up close and in between.

TECNIS Multifocal IOL

What is TECNIS Multifocal IOL?

The TECNIS® Multifocal IOL is a unique vision solution that provides patients with the ability to have clear vision at distance and near. Whether you want to read small print at a distance, browse on your tablet, or sew needle point, the TECNIS®  may help you reach your after surgery vision goals.


What is TRULIGN Toric IOL?

TRULIGN® Toric IOL is a flexible IOL made of a proprietary advanced generation solid silicone. The term is usually used to describe specially designed soft contact lenses that correct astigmatism. TRULIGN® lenses are made of a conventional hydrogel material or a highly breathable silicone hydrogel.

Crystalens Aspheric (OL)

What is Crystalens Aspheric (OL)?

The Crystalens® Aspheric Optic lens corrects a patient’s cataracts and presbyopia in the same procedure. Similar to the natural lens, the implant uses the eye’s inner focusing muscle to flex and accommodate, allowing patients to focus on objects at all distances. Crystalens® accommodates like the natural lens.


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Eatontown Office

300 S Highway 35,
Suite 300
Eatontown, NJ 07724
(732) 222-7373

Little Silver Office

180 White Road
Suite 202
Little Silver, NJ 07739

(732) 222-7373

Holmdel Office

100 Commons Way
Suite 230
Holmdel, NJ 07733
(732) 222-7373

Manasquan Office

2640 Rt. 70
Bldg. 7B, Suite 101
Manasquan, NJ 08736
(732) 222-7373